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Moonstone magic.

June 23, 2017

I always thought moonstones were so exotic. They’re like pearls or opals but with a depth and translucency that makes them so intriguing. They’re so beautiful, and unique. They’re almost like how I imagine a piece of the moon would look, if you sliced it off and brought it down to earth.

I’m not a hippie or one of these people who believes crystals or gemstones can cure things. But I will say that I am someone who borders on superstitious. My grandmother was Irish and had tons of superstitions and sayings; “A fork on the floor means a man at the door”, “don’t put a hat on the table”, etc. I don’t see the harm in wearing something pretty that also might be helping me, too. Besides, if its attractive and I would wear it anyway, then really.. there’s no harm in trying it out. A new mom can use all the help she can get.

So when I was e-mailed by the people at Moonstone Magic, I did a little Internet reading and I found this:

Moonstone. Gem of the High Priestess, self-discovery, deep insight, harmony in relationships, soothes emotions. Helps to relieve stress, fear and tension during childbirth. Believed to aid contractions and promote healthy lactation.


When I read that little snippet at Natureal Mom, I was even more intrigued. Now that I’m having a baby, it seemed even more appropriate that I wear moonstone. Not just because it’s pretty!

I also found this:

And lastly how could I leave out the delicious Moonstone. With such a gentle mothering lunar energy, it’s a useful and I often recommended this crystal for fertility issues. But it’s also useful for pregnancy and as a new mother. Moonstone is very healing for a pregnant woman, and can aid contractions and milk supply.


Isn’t that interesting? I never knew! So because of that I thought I’d use my little boy’s ultrasound photos in the post.

You can also see in these photos how the colors change depending on the lighting and how it’s positioned. It has white, clear, blue, turquoise, pink or rainbow effects to it. My ring in particular is from, and it’s the Moonstone ring – Aurora, in 925 sterling silver. It truly is a beautiful piece of jewelry and I’ve already gotten many compliments on it.

Moonstone is great not only for moms who are already moms, or expectant moms, but for women who want to have a baby. It’s good for fertility!

I think it’s beautiful. I’m thinking of getting some more jewelry to match. Excuse my veiny hands, it was freezing in my house the day I took the photos (Irish translucent skin club, party of one here).

Any other mom’s-to-be out there using crystals to aid in health (and maybe sanity)?

(Oh- and I PROMISE… there’s recipes coming soon!)


Note: as my disclaimer page states- I accepted no financial compensation for a positive review of a ring from I received a ring (approx. $45.00-$65.00 value) for my own review. They did not tell me what to say. All words and statements are my own.
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  1. It’s beautiful! I’ve always loved Moonstone. Haha, will it work its magic on helping me tame toddler tantrums?! ☺️ I’m with you on not a firm believer, but hey, if it’s beautiful and doesn’t hurt… why not?! My son has been wearing his Baltic Amber Necklace since he was a few months old and he’s handled all his teeth really well, so we’re not rocking the boat, he’s still wearing it at almost 2!

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