The first time I made scones, I was shocked at how easy it was. I was a fairly new baker, and the break from creaming butter and sugar and making frosting (cupcakes were unsurprisingly my usual M.O. at the time) was welcomed. They came out good, but not the best ever. I think I used […]
Tag: Simple scones
brown sugar | canning | caramel | dough | ginger | jam | lemon | pears | preserved foods | preserves | quick & easy | recipe | scones | seasonal | snacks | traditional with a twist | vanilla
Simple scones with caramel ginger pear jam & vanilla butter.
It’s cold! On weekends this time of year, I wake up hungry. Hungry and chilly, I wander bleary eyed into the kitchen. Indy sits next to me some mornings, on “his” kitchen rug patiently waiting for the back door to open so he can take care of his… *ahem* daily constitutional. I put the Keurig on […]
chocolate | cranberry | desserts | dough | raisins | recipe | scones | snacks | tea | treats
Royal wedding scones & tea.
I’m a big fan of tea, and a bigger fan of scones. If you’ve been a reader of this site for any length of time, you’ve probably read one of my many scone posts. So it’s only natural that in honor of the big wedding of Prince William of Wales & Catherine Middleton that is […]