Disclaimer & other legal stuff


This is my personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and definitely not those of my employer. They also do not represent those of my family. I accept money in exchange for some ads you can see in the sidebar. I only share products that I like, or that I have reviewed and deem worthy. Occasionally I will receive products free of charge & share them here. Reviews on those products are always my own opinions and are never reflected by the compensation. Also keep in mind that my opinion, like yours, will change from time to time. I do not accept money in exchange for posts. Any guest posts that are written here by other bloggers/writers are done so for free and for fun.

Colorful language may be used. I don’t have an NC-17 rating, but that said, the blog isn’t meant for children. I am an adult and speak/write like one.

I do not have any connection or affiliation with Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter or any other social media network.


This blog does not share personal information with third parties nor do we store any information about your visit to this blog other than to analyze and optimize your content and reading experience through the use of cookies. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings. We are not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without our permission. All photos on the blog are my property, unless otherwise noted. Before using any photos from this blog, please contact me to ask permission.

A lot of the recipes on this blog are not written by me- they are the property of their owners or authors. I give credit where it’s due, and any recipes not attributed to another source are mine.

This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on July 6, 2017. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly here: cupcake.rehab@gmail.com.


I am thrilled you want to send me a gift or an item to review! First let me clarify, my acceptance of said item(s) do not in any way promise you a positive review. I will be honest about every single aspect of our relationship, including the fact I received said product(s)/object(s) for free. I do not accept money or gifts in exchange for positive reviews. That said:

  • If I do like (or love!) your product, you will receive a glowing review. I will promote your business on social media as well as in my blog post.
  • If I do not like it for whatever reason, I will first contact you and attempt to sort things out. If things can’t be sorted, I will not write about the product. (If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all…)
  • I am open to reviewing things that are appropriate to the blog; i.e. mixers, cookware, bakeware, kitchen accessories, cook’s tools, cookbooks, kitchen gadgets, etc.
  • I’m open to reviewing items that are related to maternity/childbirth/babies; i.e. maternity clothes, baby clothes, accessories, toys, bottles, breastfeeding materials, books, games, nursery decor, etc.
  • I am open to reviewing things unrelated to the blog as long as they fit the lifestyle  or home concept; paint, furniture, small appliance, personal items, makeup, clothing, jewelry, etc.
  • I am not open to reviewing things that have no link to this blog; i.e.  fitness gear, bathing suits, protein shakes, health food items, vegan food, etc.
  • No pre-written posts or reviews will be accepted. I write my own copy based on my own experiences with said product(s).
  • Timeline of post will vary based on time of year/season/etc. however it will never be posted later than 4-6 weeks after receipt of the product(s). If it’s a specifically seasonal item we can discuss an exact date via e-mail.
  • I am thrilled to accept ANY gifts that require no blog post or review, however if it is in relation to the blog’s topics, then I will incorporate it into a post at some point either way. However, just because you send me a product does not mean I am obligated to write about it.
  • I will almost always ask if you’re willing to host a giveaway with said product(s). If not, then I will ask for a coupon code for my readers. If its an item that isn’t applicable to giveaways, then this is null.

For some examples of my reviews, check out the “reviews” category.

As far as giveaways go, I always– absolutely NO excuses on this- require receipt of the product so I can test it before I host a giveaway. I will not give a product away without having an understand or a knowledge of it. That means every single item you want me to give away, I must have beforehand. Most of the time, if it’s a food item or cookware item, I will prepare a recipe with said item(s) and post that along with the giveaway.

For examples of giveaways I’ve hosted, check out the “giveaways” category.



I am NOT a professional chef, master preserver or pastry chef. I am not formally educated in food preparation. I am not an expert. This blog is for entertainment and minimal educational purposes. I’m here to open your mind to new things- not to get you injured or sick. I encourage responsibility in and out of the kitchen: i.e. pregnant/elderly/immune suppressed people should not ingest raw eggs (meringue), etc. The onus of responsibility is on the reader. Any and all recipes should be researched before making to avoid making anyone sick or endangering anyone’s well being.

I am also not for hire. Please do not e-mail me asking me how much it costs to make 6 dozen cupcakes for a Bar Mitzvah or a tiered wedding cake for your sister. I’m a blogger. Google local bakeries, please.