adult | alcohol | birthdays | chocolate | desserts | frozen | gluten-free | ice cream | peanut butter | recipe | traditional with a twist | unique | whipped cream | whiskey

Chocolate chocolate whiskey ice cream.

‎”Ice-cream is exquisite. What a pity it isn’t illegal.” —Voltaire‎ One can only imagine what Voltaire would say about this ice cream in particular: a double whammy of both chocolate and chocolate-flavored whiskey from the Kings County Distillery, made for my favorite guy’s 32nd birthday. Yup, that’s right. Jay turns the big 3-2 today! Just […]

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birthdays | friends | I love...

Happy, happy, happy birthday…

To my one & only, my partner-in-crime, who turns the big 3-1 today. I cannot believe I know him since right after he turned 19. Time flies when you’re having fun… and of course, eating. Love you! Look at that handsome fella. … (and in case you’re wondering, he wanted these for his birthday treat.)

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