It’s been a busy and rough week or so. Shortly after finishing using up all those blueberries, I broke a tooth. Well, not really. Kind of. A filling in my wisdom tooth fell out, taking some tooth with it, leaving me with not much to speak of. After seeing my dentist, we agreed that it […]
Beauregard blueberry muffins.
These blueberries are no joke. They’re HUGE. Like, Violet Beauregard in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory huge. Big, fat, juicy and fresh. And I had so many left over from the jam I made that I didn’t know what to do. Enter: muffins. Muffins are the universe’s way of telling you exactly how to […]
Black ‘n’ blue preserves.
This isn’t your average jam. Well maybe it is. But it isn’t the kind you’ll buy in a supermarket. Blueberry black pepper preserves. And speaking of supermarkets, I bought these blueberries for super cheap at the supermarket. They were not only cheap, they were HUGE! And perfect! I hadn’t made any berry jam this […]
Well folks, we’re officially halfway there. 20w1d as of right this minute. 20 weeks from now, I could very well be updating my blog with a little crying jabbawokkie on my lap. Or, alternately, I could be walking in circles or doing yoga in hopes he shows up before I’m induced! I’m feeling him a […]
That’s the way the cherry crumbles.
Today I present you the most basic of summer desserts: the crumble. It’s a basic bitch dessert, I know. All you do is dump fruit and sugar in a baking dish and top with a mixture of flour/sugar/butter. That’s it. But I think we all can be basic bitches sometimes, right? Okay, so what the […]
Whole wheat cherry almond oat bread.
Today’s recipe is not canned. I know! A lot of you are thinking “Oh thank cupcakes- enough canning.” But I didn’t do it on purpose. I just haven’t baked in a while and I just got the bug the other night super late. Well not super late but late enough. I used to think baking […]
Well, as of today I am 17w5d. I had a full anatomy scan of little boy last week and he’s doing just fine! Chugging along, growing as he should be, measuring right where he should. He’s also pretty damn adorable. Because of my age (which is the ancient 35), and that my condition is considered […]
Cherry salsa.
I had this idea after eating Mexican food with my mom. No I didn’t. I’m lying. I mean I did, because they had a mango salsa and she loves the peach salsa I make her every year. I was thinking of what other kinds of unique salsa I could make for the summer. But the […]
Cherry vanilla freezy freaker jam.
Confession: I have never made a freezer jam. Never. In my 6+ years of canning, I have not once made a jam that is no-cook, pop in the freezer. I skipped right over all that and went right to the hard stuff. People say it’s so simple for a beginner and its an easy way […]
Moonstone magic.
I always thought moonstones were so exotic. They’re like pearls or opals but with a depth and translucency that makes them so intriguing. They’re so beautiful, and unique. They’re almost like how I imagine a piece of the moon would look, if you sliced it off and brought it down to earth. I’m not a […]